Advantages / Disadvantages regarding Virtual Exhibitions


Virtual exhibition can have a greater accessibility to a wide range of visitor groups (for more information check out the manual p. 11, 35). Due to no restrictions in terms of location or time the virtual space can be visited at any time (manual p. 11, 35). In addition, it can be visible in an extended time frame.

Younger generations, as they are more familiar with digital media, can be easier reached (manual p. 11, 35).

In comparison to galleries and exhibition a virtual exhibition safes personnel and operating costs, which makes it a cost-effective alternative (manual p. 11, 35). In addition, an online store can be added to the exhibition. 

The visibility of the project and the artist can be more likely increased due to a virtual exhibition through reaching audiences location-independence (manual p. 11, 35).


Virtual exhibitions do have a lack of social component. No exchange among visitors or artists about the paintings takes place, which makes the online visit a rather passive experience. Even if interaction and communication is made possible online, for example in the form of a forum, this social component cannot be provided on an equal footing. It must also be remembered that a communication platform must be moderated, which takes time and can therefore incur personnel costs (for more information check out the manual p. 11, 17, 35).

In comparison to galleries and exhibition a virtual exhibition the organizers lose the income generated during a cultural event, e.g., a vernissage (e.g., free donations). In addition, is the loss of revenue for owners of cultural spaces and exhibition spaces, as the duration of the rental of the space can be very short. When cultural con- tent is provided online, visitors often assume that they are being provided free of charge and are rarely willing to pay (manual p. 11, 35). Therefore, the virtual exhibition should be combined with an online shop to generate money.Â